February 22, 2010

Disappointed =/

So I have neglected to write for two reasons.

The first: Life. As simple and as complicated as that is.
And the second and main reason: I am kind of disappointed on the way this blog is turning out.

When I had this what-i-though-was-glorious idea to make a blog, I thought it would be as follows:

Step one-Kate meets other person in a social confrontation
Step two-Other person asks Kate question or makes comment
Step three-Kate gives other person her honest opinion
Step four-Other person agrees/disagrees accordingly
Step five-Kate blogs about said confrontation

In that order. No derivations.
And obviously that is not what's been happening. Mostly this has just been:

Step one-Kate has a day
Step two-Kate comes up with an opinion about events in the day
Step three-Kate blogs about discovered opinion

Where's the confrontation? Where's steps four and five? Where is my revolutionary change in thinking? My 'A-HA' moment?

This is definitely not how I planned. Don't get me wrong I have still been honest at every opportunity and I LOOOVE telling everyone my opinions. Because as you can tell, I always have one. About everything. I don't know how to change this though. It has turned from my 'Truth of the Week' to more like a 'Truth of the Day.' I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I once explained my blog to one of my friends like this:

"The point of the blog was to write about the truth how I see it. No research necessary. It's my truth. People can disagree with that because they don't see the world through my eyes. And that's OK. They have their own truths. That's why I take comments."

So I guess I am doing what I wanted. Just not in the way I expected.

But for old times sake I do have a good truth that I thought would make people think a little bit. It goes like this:

"But, you say, what we did was for the good of the country, to protect its honor, its institutions, the glory of its flag. What is this honor that a breath can tarnish? This glory, that a whisper can bring low? What are these noble institutions, that a wind from any quarter can set trembling like towers of jelly? You do not know exactly what they are. For you do not live with them. They are not the trees to shade you, the water to quench your thirst. The are golden coins, hidden under the mattress in a very soiled wallet. The only pleasure they afford you is the rapturous dread lest someone be taking them away. And someone is and will always be taking them away. But not the one you think..."

This delectable tid-bit was written by Edna St. Vincent Millay right after the Sacco and Vinzetti case. I find it amazing that she wrote this a long time ago, (Well not that long ago considering us humans have been around for awhile), and it still can probably be true for today.

Well, that's it for now.
<3 Kate

February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

Ah yes. The Superbowl. I believe this year its the Colts versus the Saints? I don't follow football enough to have a favorite team or to pick a side, but from what I hear it's bound to be a good game.

I see football as kind of a leisure activity. You just put it on as background noise while you hang out with your friends and eat tons of food. Of course you periodically have to check the score and cheer or boo at appropriate times to stay in the loop. But that's about as far as football goes for me. Generally though football is celebrated and watched religiously.

Everyone knows about the Superbowl. They know when it is, who's playing, and who they want to win. But, little did you all realize that it isn't the end of football season but really the beginning of NASCAR season! Yesterday was the Budweiser Shootout. (Daytona 500 is next weekend). Kevin Harvick took first again and Kasey Kahne came in second. If you wanted to know.

Yes I realize that NASCAR is a series of left turns. Yes I realize that it has been associated with being uneducated. And yes I realize that some people don't consider it a sport. But consider it a personality quirk, I actually love NASCAR. Have you ever watched a race or been to one? Have you felt the adrenaline rush as some of your favorite drivers go three-wide around a turn? Have you ever watched a driver spin out, roll his car, and have it burst into flames and still walk out OK? Have you ever felt proud of the rookie driver as he comes from behind in a race and takes a top five place at the finish line?

NASCAR is definitely a sport. Drivers need protective gear, there is a chance of injury (and even...gulp...death), they get paid a ton, they can lose up to ten pounds in just sweat in a race, and have millions of screaming and adoring fans. Now try and tell me that's not a sport.

A sport like football sounds just as silly as NASCAR might if you think about it. Guys put pads on everywhere and run at each other holding a ball as fast and hard as they can. They tackle each other in order to take the little ball to one of the ends of the field. Oh and why is it called football anyway? The ball only makes contact with some one's foot a handful of times in a game. My roommate summed it up pretty well I think: "Football is basically a bunch of guys running for two seconds until they get knocked over and then spend fifteen minutes talking about what just happened." And that's why we are friends =].

So I know this doesn't have anything much to do with honesty, but i just sat around all day doing homework and watching the Superbowl. This is my HONEST opinion about NASCAR and football =] so take is as you like. Feel free to leave me honest opinions as well. I love love love comments.

Take care,

Make New Friends But Keep The Old....

Ha! I kept a promise. Sort of. It is a little late to post, but better late than never. Right?

So today I got up earlier than normal and I was thinking that I really don't have that many solid friends here at college. I have my really good friends at home and a couple people here that I have fun with, but other than that I kind of keep to myself. I have to actually approach people to make new friends I guess.

I was also thinking at breakfast that if you honestly want to get to know the "real" person when you meet somebody go to the dining halls before noon. Everyone is up and going, even if its not at the fastest pace. I think you can tell a lot by how people look and act when they first wake up.

There are girls in their sweaters and booty shorts with perky ponytails. You just know they did not go to sleep like that let alone wake up like that. And they are just as peppy when you have to step up and talk to them. If you aren't really a morning person like me, I'd say avoid these people at all costs. At least until you've had your coffee or cereal or whatever gets you going. These are the "every one's friend" people.

Then there are the guys in their sweats and name brand shoes. They gotta look their best no matter what, even in the morning when conversation and attention spans are at a minimum. Between mouthfuls of cereal, sausage, eggs, and toast these guys swap the occasional grunts and affirmation of the "awesomeness" of last night. These are the people I would go to if I was even remotely interested in the score of the game or any upcoming frat parties. These are your "socialites." There are also the girl version of these types, but replace the grunts with actual conversation. And maybe throw in a headband.

There's also this one guy that insists on wearing a thick green bathrobe with pink women's flip flops. To each his own I guess. I wonder what his roommate thinks....

And, finally, where I fall in. These last group of people you will find in mismatched pajamas, hair in all directions, and barely talking having just rolled out of bed. They walk through the lines grabbing the tray and their food like robots, just going through the motions. Even watching them eat is rather comical because as the meal progresses you can see them awaken. The first few bites might take a few times to successfully make it to the mouth. A few bites later conversation starts to happen. And then we go from energized to disappointed once we realize how disheveled we look in public. We are the "misfits."

And that is my truth for today. If you want to know someone, talk to them when they have first woken up. If they talk. If you talk. The mornings are so black and white. You either are a morning person or you aren't.

So anyway, here's to meeting new people!

February 5, 2010

I'm Back!

I'm back and ready to take on the world!

After writing my last post I became sick with a super high fever and a migraine from hell. Awesome welcome back to school present. So last week everyday was a constant battle with the thermometer and my gag reflex. I managed to keep down a piece of bread and a piece of chicken. Random I know, but I'll spare you the details on the other foods I tested. I have now pretty much established that I do not believe filtering is lying. It's for your own benefit this time anyway.

So after I conquered the fever/migraine I spent the majority of this week catching up on all the homework I couldn't lift my head to do last week. I hate college when you're behind. But after this weekend I'll be all caught up once again. You cannot imagine how hard it is to speed read through Wuthering Heights.

"My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff's miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning; my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and, if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the Universe would turn into a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it. My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees--my love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath--a source of little visible delight, but necessary." Oh Cathrine.

I could never race through all that juicy drama. =]

Now that I have a minute (or two, or three, or thirty) I have compiled the who, what where, when, why and how's of lying that we all have collectively come up with. Really it's just the who, why and when. But you'll see for yourselves.

First off WHO we lie to:

We do not lie to friends because we value their opinions and do not want to break that trust. We use friends to see where we fit in society, judge if our problems are normal, and honestly I think we end up going to them for advice first. As soon as you lie the trust is gone and you have just disintegrated your support system.

We may end up lying to family more because we know they will always be there no matter what. Also your family can at times be more judgemental and so lying to them about something may keep the peace. But on the other hand, we do not like lying to our families all the time because we do not want to hurt them.

Then there is the occasional stranger. Strangers I think are easy targets to lie to because 1) you may never see this person again and therefore 2) their opinion isn't going to be held as high as anyone you actually know.

Next up WHEN we lie:

Sarcasm is sometimes considered a form of lying, but that can be OK if the other person(s) can tell if you are being sarcastic. White lies are the other form of lying that I see society accepting. But again there probably isn't a need to lie in the first place over something that small. Most of the time, I think we can all agree that it is NOT ok to lie.

Finally, WHY we lie:

We lie for many reasons apparently and here are what you all came up with...

• to please everyone
• to impress someone
• to cover up an ugly truth
• to make their lives sound a little more exciting (I have to admit that I used this one quite frequently. Everyone loves a good sharkbite story when you fall down ;])
• out of fear
• out of uncertainty
• for self gain
• lack of self esteem

So far in my honesty journey this is what I've found. The comments and conversations I've had have just solidified many of the things I already felt. So thanks for making me feel I'm not crazy =].

Since I missed it this week and last week here is the Truth of the Week as well:

Surprise surprise we have a Truth of the Week by an anonymous reader and their truth is that "we stereotype too easily in our society whether it be Greek life, country life, gay life, or city life." Good point Anon. Stereotyping just separates us and gives us an excuse to stay away when really the best friend of a life time could've just passed you by.

My truth this week is that band members are always the first to get made fun of/picked on in high school. Then out in the real world, as soon as a guy whips out his guitar and plays a few basic chords girls are all over him. Where did he learn his skills? Probably from band. Ya there are people who teach themselves, but chances are that if they can read or write music they learned it in band. All I have to say: Band is WAY cooler than people give it credit for.

That's it for today I guess. See ya tomorrow. I promise!
<3 Kate

PS: Don't forget to vote on the new poll! Pretty please and thank you! :)

January 23, 2010

Commenting on your comments....

Hi everyone!

This post is going to be one giant thank you to everyone for leaving me such thoughtful comments. It is very much appreciated for I love to know how the rest of the world thinks. (This is how I judge if I am truly sane =]). Also it's nice to know it's not just me thinking these things and that people actually have opinions. Sometimes I just want to shake the people in this world and say, "HEY! WAKE UP! THIS STUFF IS HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE! DO SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!" But that's just me.

So besides the thank you to everyone. I'd like to take some time to reply to some comments and clear up a few things.

First on the agenda: my post about filtering.

Commenter Lucien said "Are you sure filtering isn't lying? Isn't the truth always better? What about..."Truth shall set you free."?
Along with your comment, "I'll always be there for you." Could you have pointed out examples of what you saw in the relationship that was detrimental to your friend?"

To answer that is simple. Or,er, maybe not. I do not think that filtering is lying. If you were asked what you had been doing a half hour ago and at such time you were in the shower, shaving your armpits I doubt that you would actually say shaving your armpits. You would probably just say you were in the shower. Besides, I think that the person receiving this information would probably like the general shower alibi without all the details. Although, I do think the truth is better, depending on the audience. Like I said in my first post, if you want an example of why I think it's sometimes better to filter, watch The Invention of Lying.

And I also think I use too many commas when I write. But that's a different story.

Also, about my friend's relationship, I did not want to go into too much detail just to protect her. Mostly I wasn't happy about their constant arguing and their lack of communication. After the initial shock wore off I did get to have an extensive talk with her about her future plans and how I felt.

OK. Next up is: my Facebook post.

I have to say that this one got the most feedback initially. I knew Facebook was a hot topic :).

Anyway, I received one comment I particularly enjoyed. They said "Why is it these games are so fascinating? Since when did human interaction become so dull/scary/unpleasant that we stopped seeking other people out to occupy our time? Instead, we spend hours pouring over whether our crop has whithered or feeding our virtual pet. My truth...we are too lazy/intimidated/broke to go out and make real friends. Either way, it's a sad state of affairs. But, until I hit the jackpot/get brave/drink more RockStar...will you fertilize my corn?"

This one was sent anonymously, but I do agree with you mysterious comment leaver. I think Facebook games are fascinating because I think it helps us to try things we haven't before. Not all of us are farmers, fisherman, zookeepers, mafia, vampires. So we live vicariously through Facebook. And humans became less appealing when companies could make our computers talk for us. Have you ever had your computer read emails for you? It's a little scary in my book. And if that is a true invitation to be friends on Farmville, then yes, I will fertilize your corn. (I'm still in need of more friends)

Number three: my post about sororities.

I want to preface this by saying that this is just my opinion based on what I know. Obviously I am not knowledgeable in every area (just most of them haha just kidding) so my last sentence of that post meant to clarify this. I do not claim that every sorority is how I described I was merely stating that this is what I have seen.

S.handman said "I think everyone is just so quick to judge and turn their head at any mention of the word "sorority" because of what the media has manipulated them to be. I mean you are able to make friends and often times will be able to find jobs because of the connections you have from your "brothers" and "sisters" which is extremely beneficial and helpful, especially in this day in age where finding a job is all about networking. But I'm not advocating for them either, I for one would never want to join one and still am a little "weirded out" at the thought of joining one, just because it's weird to think that you are forced into being friends with a certain group of people." and "But if you think about it sororities and fraternities are a lot like sports teams. They are exclusive to some extent, bring together kids with common interests and have a very apparent way of distinguishing them... You don't ever hear people saying 'oh my god what is that person thinking joining the soccer team...' "

I have two words for that: Well spoken. A lot of what we think is influenced by the media. I just watched the movie Josie and the Pussycats and wow there is a plethora (I love that word) of product placement just to poke fun at the sad fact that we are manipulated even through film. I have only known a couple people who were a part of sororities and they haven't had too many positive things to say so my thoughts were purely based on personal experience. I never really thought about the networking side and I think you brought up a good issue. And the sports team analogy does make sense. It is a very persuasive argument. Thanks for sharing. :)

Lucien said "Usually the philanthropic activity is REQUIRED. And there is no amount of humanitarian endeavors that can alter the way sororities are perceived. Hollywood is not that far off in its depiction. Vicious and catty are mild descriptions. The only thing Kate missed, is that you have to come from money/prestige/known family name.And lets not forget fraternities, has anyone seen the movie "The Skulls"?"

Wow. I have heard both bad and good about sororities and frats, but I do have to say more bad than good. I do agree that by just doing one good deed you cannot drastically change your reputation or how people perceive you. Also, I have not yet seen the Skulls, but if its anything how you described the sororities, do I want to?

Anonymous said "I think investigation is required before making any snap judgements about any group of people or club."

I completely agree. My points in the sorority post were simply the information that I have gathered from what I've been exposed to. Like I said before, my last sentence was supposed to clarify that.

Well that's it for tonight. I look forward to more comments in the future. You all have some spectacular ideas! :) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You don't know how awesome it is to actually have people read what I am thinking! Well you might know. But it still rocks. I love everyone's opinion. You don't even have to agree with me. It's just nice to know that you are there. Thanks again!

See you tomorrow with the poll results and maybe I'll do the truth of the week a bit early. We'll see.
<3 Kate